Thursday, November 3, 2011


Omg. I've been definitely slacking on the updates! My bad. I promise to be coming back. Tons to be blogging about. Came back from HK and China, my birthday event, Halloween Haunt in Great American with from friends, Halloween in Vegas with my girls.. It's been quite a month. Plus tons to be looking forward too.. I have another wedding event that I will be working this Saturday, possibly another event next Friday. I'm also currently job hunting so I promise to go into more details on some of these, and post some pictures too.

Friday, September 23, 2011

Langham Place

Apparently blogging here is going to be a lot tougher than I thought. There's no free wifi at my hotel so I am here free loading off of Langham Place Hotel's free internet in their business center. I already have tons of pictures and food porn to load up but it's a public computer. Hopefully we find some wifi in Beijing so I can mass upload all the pictures..

Aside from that, I've definitely been eating a lot already since I've been here. Every couple hours my family will be munching on some sort of food. 3 meals and 1 snack since we've been here and we haven't even grabbed dinner yet. I definitely need to hit the gym or I'm going to turn into a meatball. Yeaaaaaa buddy! Hahaha

Talk to you next time I get free internet!

Thursday, September 22, 2011


Landed to Hong Kong safe and sound! Surprisingly, I was able to get in about 10-11 hours of on and off sleep.. so not too bad. (For once, getting in more sleep than my sister. Weird, right?!) Currently, 7:30am local time, waiting for a shuttle to our hotel and then soooooo ready to get my grub on! Look forward to some yummy food porn!

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Up in the Air

Going up in the air again within an hour.. Definitely will be hating the next 13 hours but excited for food and shopping after! :) Wish me luck that I can sleep in the very claustrophobic cramped 67C seat on the CX873. Geez, I just noticed how far back I'm sitting... :( See you on the other side!

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

End of Summer

Feel the heat? Summer is ending and we get slapped by a giant heat wave? Don't care though, I love the heat! Simply shorts, tank tops, and flip flops? Definitely my summer easy, fast, comfortable go-to look. Luckily, I barely snuck in a last minute End of Summer BBQ before I couldn't anymore. Usually I do it end of August but I definitely lagged on the planning this year. Nonetheless, it was successful and delicious.

Tons of friends, food, and laughs = definitely a good time.

I think this is actually the first time I threw it at a park every since I've moved here...

Main fire-starters and cooks of the night! Thanks Elaine & Dong!!!

Salmon deliciously prepared by Mr. Yk.

Ribs, ribs, ribs!

Their 1st shotgun of the night, many more to go.

Go dark and brought the fun back home. N64 Smash Bros!

Got in some poker.

and beer pong..

Mike teaching them how to shotgun a glass bottle.

The end results of the night..

Monday, August 15, 2011

My picture from today. Look at little miss model with her hands on her hips, Melody! So adorable.

Miss cutie pie, Emily, and I at my graduation party.

Look that these cutie-pa-tooties! Went to the Moy's "Stop By Sunday" get together event today and saw these super cute faces. I had such a great time catching up with good friends, some I haven't seen since before my trip to Paris. Plus, you can never say no to seeing these little cuties! Thanks to the Moys for having us over!

Friday, August 12, 2011

Lookie at what I got in the mail today from a lovely friend of mine named Sarah Norris!

She's so sweet and thoughtful! Sarah, if you are reading this.. Thanks soooo much!! I can't wait to use this on some Iced Vanilla Lattes! I am addicted to those!

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Let me start off, sorry for the switch up of the blogs. Blogger seems to be a little more user-friendly than live journal. So in case you care to read about my month-long life in Paris, here's the link to my old blog.

It's been a little over 2 weeks since I've been back and I am officially done with my jet-lag and back to normal. I am back at work and back on my job hunt. But, it's also been really nice. I just noticed I'm on an indefinite summer break since I am done with school. It hasn't really hit me yet that I'm not going back in the fall yet. I'm just enjoying all the random days and nights out with friends.

Here's a quick recap on what I've been up to the past 2 weeks.
1. CCU Basketball game. (We lost unfortunately.)

2. Off the Grid for the first time on Haight. Nom Nom was delicious.

3. Holy Cow with Pris and Kev. Bumped into Grant and Andrew.

4. A's game! We won for once!!

5. Sushi House

6. Chez TJ with sis!

7. Happy Hr @ Elephant Bar with my sis and Elaine

8. Back in SF and at Off the Grid again with Steph, Jen, and Pris. Hoped Nom Nom would be there but it wasn't.

9. Jersey Shore with Jen and Pris

10. Poolside with Jen and Pris

11. Poolside with my sis

12. Meeting with Lisa Smith in Campbell :)

13. Helping out with Scott Roberts Photography Workshop